July 2020: Respect at Work
In July 2020 Kate Jenkins, The Sex Discrimination Commissioner, shared her research and her vision from her recent report Respect@Work.
Whilst Respect@Work shows the scale of sexual harassment in the workplace, The Commissioner also makes clear “Workplace sexual harassment is not inevitable. It is not acceptable. It is preventable.”
Across Australia CEOs, senior Executives, Chairs and Board Directors from across private, not-for-profit and public sectors are making a stand to bring about change.
13 October 2020: When Clients Harass
· Shelly Roberts Managing Director Australia – Compass Group
· Laura Stevens National Strategic Coordinator United Workers Union
· Kenneth M Barton, BEC: Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer Crown Resorts Limited
Organisations that serve thousands of clients and customers every day, face a unique challenge with respect to sexual harassment in the workplace. The interactions with clients and customers are largely positive and rewarding for staff and clients, but the clear power imbalance, and perhaps a sense of impunity by the client, can lead to cases of sexual harassment and assault.
Modern, progressive organisations are working with their staff and unions to create safe work places, including a review of the extent to which staff are vulnerable in client facing occupations.
The Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins, identified that “Workplace Sexual Harassment is not inevitable. It is not acceptable. It is preventable.”
Melbourne Summit - 21 February 2019
On 21 February 2019, Not in My Workplace launched with a Summit at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Over 800 leaders came together to hear from the Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins, politicians, industry leaders and lawyers as we discuss the action needed to mobilise business and employees to ensure sexual harassment does not occur in the workplaces we lead.
Sydney Summit - 3 December 2019
The Not in My Workplace Sydney Summit held on Tues 3 Dec was a gathering of 160 leaders and change-makers from across the public, community and private sectors, coming together to form a united front to combat workplace sexual harassment.
Summit Speakers came from across media, military, tech, entertainment, legal services, venture capital, retail, corporate, government, sport and public sectors – a unlikely collective of leaders, all standing together to share insights on both the problem and the steps being taken to address it. They shared real stories of change – of reforming culture, of going beyond a policy to put words into action, of listening, discussing and understanding the problem through the eyes and experiences of victims, and co-designing real solutions to address it.
For most of the individuals and organisations represented at the summit, the journey is only just beginning. All acknowledge, there is so much work to be done, but that the work is urgent and vital.
Ballarat Regional Summit - 4 December 2019
Over 100 attendees engaged in a lively seminar in Ballarat on 4th December, run by Not in My Workplace in conjunction with CoRE (Communities of Respect and Equality). The seminar was a Call to Action aimed at small and medium sized businesses as well as community-based organisations. The keynote speaker was Kate Jenkins, Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner who spoke on the findings of her inquiry into sexual harassment and the implications for workplaces.